Sunday, January 09, 2011


Power has never been one of my driving ambitions, nor has respect for it.  However, I do recognize that situations vary and so do definitions of POWER.

This picture of a heavy cell closing in on downtown Miami some years ago is one that I've liked and have wanted to use as an illustration of one of my thoughts about POWER.  Donald Trump may not be the best person to use in illustrating my thought, but until I can find a better image, I hope he doesn't mind my use of his image.  I think he was actually defending his wife when that picture of him was taken.

There are plenty of times that you have to pick your fights carefully due to an imbalance of power.  Some fights are worth the fighting, and many aren't.  The writings of Sun Tzu are based on those notions.

In this illustration I imagine a situation where a powerful man, a substantial land owner, and an employer of other men in his service is confronted with a situation that he can neither master nor control.  He is the master of and controls much of those people and things around him, but alas, he is much smaller than the little dot. 

Imagine that powerful man (personified by Mr. Trump, or a suitable substitute) standing on the very pinnacle of his tallest building, surrounded by a cluster of his other tall buildings as he screams, shakes his fist, and demands that God take his crap somewhere else...then, imagine the lightning bolt.


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