This brief digression is for house-keeping purposes in order
to better set up the next few articles…all of them about the “He Man Woman
Haters’ Club.”
Gay Burton. Gay,
my luv, if you ever stumble in here…please forgive me for calling you out
like this. If I were to summon memories
of a single person who had a significant influence in coloring my very earliest
notions of love and the fairer sex, it was, beautiful, vivacious, and perhaps most importantly at the time….a
Since my first introduction, in 7th grade at Richland JH to the
spectacle of an all-school pep rally presided over by several cute
girls, Judy, Betty Kay, Paula, Karmen, Linda, and Patsy, I had set my nascent
amorous ambitions on dating a cheerleader. And Gay, who was at the top of my personal MJH
rating stack, fit that bill just fine.
With no older siblings, there was no one at my house to help
interpret how best to become a 13-year old Valentino, or equivalent….and as the
new kid at school, Gay didn’t know me from Adam…and she was in serious “like” with
that damned Roby (see numerous other references). Never mind that the sultry 13-year old Celia
nor the pixie-like Julie weren't showing me any love either.
Anyway, a couple of years went by and Gay & Co. finally deigned
to nod at me in the halls….still no love, though. Since in my mind, Gay owned MJH for those
couple of years I’ve tended to file away obscure snippets of information as I’ve
been occasionally writing pieces for this blog, wondering how she originally
came to prominence at such a tender age.
A 1964 Highlander sent me a collection of scans, now about 57-years on,
that to my mind satisfactorily answers the question…Gay had help and she got it before I got there…read on.
The first EH Class of 1963 MJH cheerleader was not Gay, but
Celia Beall, elected to the squad as a 7th grader; after Celia,
there would be just one more 7th grade cheerleader on the varsity squad--Sandra Fish; after that, just
8th and 9th graders.

So, how did Gay propel herself to such prominence, so
early? Well, I’m pretty sure big sister
Melany had something to do with it. The
first time I ever saw Melany was at EHHS as a Class of 1961 cheerleader…and in that
1957 MJH football team picture, there she is sitting in that same front row as
Celia. But, that’s not enough to
explain it. No, take a look below at the
Meadowlark Staff …there’s big sister Melany, the editor. O.K., now consider the huge front page picture
of 7th grader, little sis Gay, promoting the 1958 Stars Over
Meadowbrook variety show; the issue of that edition just 1-month before cheerleader elections. Seventh
graders NEVER got their pictures in the paper for much of anything, much less a
quarter-page, above the fold feature on the Front Page! …and suddenly, there’s
my friend, another future unrequited love--Gay.
See, kids…thought you got away with it clean, didn’t you?
See, kids…thought you got away with it clean, didn’t you?
"Book 'em , Danno!"
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