Wednesday, March 23, 2011

WIN WIN - American Airlines

I'm so pleased to discover I'm not the only one who has had it up to "here" with buzzword babbling buffoons. Bravo American Airlines.



Unknown said...

Bob Dillard is the very successful publisher of a couple of weekly newspapers in West Texas, in Fort Davis and another small town. He also raises top show hogs.

Gus said...

See my early April 2011 posts about the NHS, esp. one of them where Bob crashed the picture taking was one of Bob's signature bits of juvenile hi-jinx, crashing into group pictures of clubs to which he did not belong. It also got him out of class for much of a day; I don't think any of the teachers ever caught on.

BTW, you're in that same picture with Bob, but of course you had charter to be there. Bob made it in a year later. One of a kind. Gus