Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Restarting the BLOG - August 2023


This post marks a re-start of the BLOG; the intent being to enhance the content already existing in this space.  We are about 17-years older than we were when the BLOG was first laid down mostly as a learning tool for me to explore the then new technologies just beginning to come online.

The scrapbook pictured above is the source of the artifacts, photos, certificates, and ideas for much of the BLOG's content.  Contributions by other Highlanders makes up significant portions of content also.  To this point in time, Aug 2023, over 396,000 visits to the BLOG have been registered.  Depending on what I post elsewhere online linking to an article herein, the monthly visits to the BLOG range from 1000 to 3000 each month.  

A lot has changed over the past 17-years and a lot of '63 Highlanders have both discovered the BLOG and departed the Earth for the next life.  Be that as it may, many of us remain to continue the mighty EHHS Highlanders' march into the future.  So, here goes . . . there's a lot yet to be discovered.  



Danny McCoy said...

Excellent Idea! Your sage resource and words will live on!

Danny McCoy said...

What is old is new again!
Thanks for the memories.