Part 3 of 4
The 9th grade at MJH being my second with the
future EH Class of 1963, I began to gain notice by some of the various
in-crowds…there were several. And they
seemed to be in some kind of competition with one another; the competition
being most visibly, the hosting of parties and dances. It’s likely that these various shindigs were
a Mom-sponsored carryover from the elementary grades, for it seemed far more
complex than any of the youngsters could have organized on their own.
Making a few discreet inquiries into the memories of others with
us those long ago years brought quite a variety of responses; all of them
tactful, and some of them pointed…and tactful. One of the ladies told of being so put off by
the MJH clique situation that she chose to attend Tech High School rather than going on to EHHS and be
subjected to any more of whatever she had been subjected to at MJH;
a Handleyite offered nothing more than, “Ah yes, the Meadowbrook Ladies”; one
of our leading lights responded, “an in-crowd?
Definitely”; another EH leading light told of never quite having discovered
the key to be a part of the “in-crowd”…which kind of mirrors my own
experience. Whatever was going on was
noticed by those in other early EH classes….”somewhat
reassuring that even after 50 years, some things retain that pungent aroma.”
“The Breakfast Club,” a 1985 film that dealt with the
tribulations of high school social stereotypes, is one of many similar films
produced over the years that deal with the same theme. So, it’s reasonable to assume that the
experience is a common one, no matter what generation encountered it, or
when. However, the film did manage to succinctly
summarize the general stereotypes into which all of us seemed to fit. Some of us found fits with more than one of
them. There were Brains, Athletes,
Outsiders, Basket Cases, and Princesses.
“Mean Girls,” a 2004 film, takes a less benign tack in
illustrating the teenage insider/outsider phenomena, even going far enough to
show a map of the social subdivisions at the cafeteria tables. They seem pretty accurate based on our own experience, although I’d like to think we weren’t quite so snarky as our
descendents….but, I don’t really know.
For us, our sorting into those stereotypes started about the
end of 7th grade, strengthened in the 8th grade, and was
pretty much set by the 9th grade.
Whatever dating was occurring that 9th grade year was mostly
a blend of movies at the Gateway, or house parties, or a formal school dance, or the
school’s Teen Canteen, all with transportation provided (for the most part) by
With the stereotypes hardened during this 9th
grade school year, it appeared that Athletes were
at the top of the school pecking order, if for no other reason than the fall
pep rallies, the band, and cheerleaders were focused on their gridiron derring do. Not many kids missed those pep rallies since
they were school sanctioned excuses for not going to class. Grades earned this year applied to our final
high school tally so our class Brains were starting to burrow in on
their academic ambitions, Outsiders were moving further outside as the
world got larger and more complicated, Basket Cases were still basket
cases trying to find ways to cope, and Princesses gained greater
prominence especially in their social lives.
A great rendition of the spirit ribbon. It still cuts deep. I've haven't ridden a bike since.
I rode a bike to 7th grade at Richland, about 2-miles from the house but, at MJH which was about 3-miles away, it was clearly uncool to continue with that bike and have any shot whatsoever at being seen as cool. So, it was walk about a mile up to Meadowbrook Drive and catch the bus at the EHHS corner.
That must have been an entirely unremarkable experience since I have no recollection whatsoever of any of those bus rides. Susan B. said the driver's name was Tony. She caught that bus up at the Jenson corner but, I don't even have any recollection of her on the bus and I'm sure I wouldn't have missed noticing her.
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