Friday, December 31, 2010

In Texas We Call it Walkin’

Regardless of his struggles with eloquent articulation and his relentless problems with an incredibly hostile press, I’ve never found much to not like about this man.  Oh, he was more liberal than I would have liked but I just found the guy about the same as so many outgoing Texans with whom I grew up. 

When the press picked on him about his “swagger” he simply commented, “In Texas we call that walkin’.” 

I really got a kick out of him when Queen Elizabeth came to visit Jamestowne and Williamsburg during our 400th anniversary celebration in 2007.  He was very respectful but couldn’t restrain himself from tryin’ to break through her reserve.  One of the results is the classic picture below.

Some years ago when we visited Colonial Williamsburg, I was standing in line to get into one of the restorations behind an elderly, very English couple.  They were tall and proper.  He had the wispy white hair and tweed jacket with the cliché leather elbow patches of a professor whilst she looked more like the prim garden club type.  He sat on a planter reading a book while she stood in line.

I nudged her and asked, “Have you come to see what your ancestors gave up?”  Not missing a beat she sniffed, “Bit of a relief, actually.”  I doubled over. 


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